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HR & People Contract List:

CPC Drive - Vehicle Leasing and Salary Sacrifice Scheme (NOE.0524)
Apr 2022 - Mar 2026
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Employee Benefits for Health, Wealth & Wellbeing (NOE.0381)
Dec 2020 - Dec 2024
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Employee Development Services - 2021 (NOE.0529)
Jun 2021 - Jun 2025
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Legal Services (NOE.0512)
Apr 2021 - Mar 2025
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NHS Workforce Alliance Contract List:

NHS Workforce Alliance Clinical and Healthcare Staffing (RM6161)
Oct 2020 - Oct 2024
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NHS Workforce Alliance Clinical and Healthcare Staffing (RM6281)
May 2024 - May 2027
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NHS Workforce Alliance Insourced Services to support the Provision of Healthcare Services (RM6276)
Nov 2021 - Oct 2025
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NHS Workforce Alliance International Healthcare Professional Recruitment & Associated Services (RM6333)
May 2023 - May 2025
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NHS Workforce Alliance Learning and Training Services Dynamic Purchasing System (RM6219)
Oct 2021 - Oct 2025
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NHS Workforce Alliance Managed Staff Bank (RM6278)
Mar 2023 - Mar 2026
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NHS Workforce Alliance Management Consultancy (Lot 5 HR Consultancy) (RM6187)
Aug 2021 - Aug 2025
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NHS Workforce Alliance Non Clinical Staffing (RM6277)
May 2023 - Apr 2027
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NHS Workforce Alliance Occupational Health Employee Assistance Programmes and Eye Care Services (RM6182)
Mar 2021 - Mar 2025
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NHS Workforce Alliance Permanent Recruitment 2 (RM6229)
Mar 2022 - Mar 2026
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NHS Workforce Alliance Workforce Improvement Services (WIS) (RM6163)
Mar 2022 - Mar 2026
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