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FM, Property and Business Services Contract List:

Analysis and Reconciliation Services Linked
Mar 2020 - Feb 2025
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Consultancy and Associated Services (NOE.0570)
Jun 2023 - May 2027
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CPC Drive - Vehicle Leasing and Salary Sacrifice Scheme (NOE.0524)
Apr 2022 - Mar 2026
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Employee Benefits for Health, Wealth & Wellbeing (NOE.0381)
Dec 2020 - Dec 2024
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Language Services (NOE.0583)
Jan 2024 - Jan 2028
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Laundry and Linen Services Total Solutions (NOE.0572)
May 2023 - May 2027
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Legal Services (NOE.0512)
Apr 2021 - Mar 2025
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Minor Works Trades and Associated Services Dynamic Purchasing System (NOE.0543)
Dec 2021 - Dec 2025
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Modular / Pre-Fabricated Building Solutions Linked
Feb 2021 - Feb 2025
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Non-Emergency Transport and Other Transport Services Dynamic Purchasing System Linked
Nov 2019 - Nov 2024
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Security Services (NOE.0571)
Jun 2023 - Jun 2027
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Specialist Estates Engineering & Maintenance Services (Hard FM) (NOE.0609)
Jul 2024 - Jun 2028
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Statutory Audit and Multi Specialty Services and Advisory Consultancy Services Linked
Jan 2024 - Jan 2026
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Total Waste Management Services II (NOE.0379)
Mar 2021 - Mar 2025
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